Sunday, November 21, 2010

AJ Moye

GREAT NEWS, AJ Moye is expected to make a full recovery from the stroke he suffered after a head-to-head collision with a teammate.  AJ, we all wish that full recovery is a speedy one.  Again, one of the all-time favorite Hoosiers.  That's not my opinion, it's a fact.
Moye's blocked shot of Carlos Boozer's dunk attempt at the pinnacle of a 17-point second half comeback in the 2002 tournament is one of my all-time favorite Hoosier moments in one of my all-time favorite Hoosier victories.

Not only did Moye provide the everlasting poster-perfect blocked shot, but he even provided a classic Moye quote before the game even started:

"It's not like they're the University of Jesus Christ and we're playing the Twelve Disciples.  It's just Duke.  Duke is just a name on a jersey."
The quote, the block, and all the game highlights are captured brilliantly in the below 14-minute youtube video.  I don't care how many times you have seen this, it is well-worth watching again and again.  The make of the video (etecnifibre) includes the Hoosiers movie music during the second-half come-back and then includes the Don Fischer radio call for the end of the game.  Literally gives me chills every time.

1 comment:

Tom Earth said...

One of the single greatest moments of my life. I still remember it like it was yesterday. Even though that season caused Davis to get an extension and probably set the program back 5 years, that tourney run made it all worth it. I was lucky enough to be at those last 4 games. If they could have pulled that title game off, it would have been better than the actual Milan Miracle.