Monday, March 22, 2010

Sounds Familiar, eh?

Mike Freeman of had an interesting article today on Calipari.

Some of it sounded very familiar.  Take a gander at these closing comments:
Kentucky fans will flame message boards and threaten to burn down my house but in their blue and white hearts they know what I'm saying is true. They're holding their noses and enjoying the ride just like many others are.

Put on a surgical mask and take a deep breath, Kentucky fans. It's your turn to root for your for-now hero while looking over the shoulder and waiting for the NCAA to knock at the door.
Sounds familiar, right?  Actually, Kentucky fans didn't threaten to burn down my house, they only wished me dead in a plane crash.  Innocent enough, I guess.

Regardless of which threat they choose, the beauty of it all is that they react that way because they know it's all true.

House of cards, Kentucky fans.  House of cards.


TheCoach said...

the brandon mobley talk is crazy. i know we wanted him at one point. now people are saying that he's saying he's announcing soon and pretty much saying it will be iu. then people are saying we are no longer interested. sounds like he has the build, height, and athleticism, but not the talent and a bad attitude and grades. sounds like a no thanks to me!

TheCoach said...

sounds like mo's visit went well and he will announce this weekend. sounds like mo creek recruited him hard. rumors are that john wilkins, a 6'9'' PF who came from out of country last year and had to sit out at a JC this year, will visit this weekend. back-up plan?

TheCoach said...

then there's rumors on will yeguette who is 2 inches shorter than mo and ranked a little lower. yawn...then there's PG brandon young who had committed to depaul and considered some decent schools. not sure what to think there. will he be better than hulls?